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A farewell letter from Boyce College dean Jerry Johnson
January 26, 2004
By Jerry A. Johnson
Jerry A. Johnson will become the sixth president of Criswell College in Dallas.
“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you,” (Philippians 1:4). This Scripture reflects how I will always think about Boyce College and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Let me be clear. On the one hand, there is no joy for me in leaving Boyce College. I did not want, plan or intend to leave. But if there is anything we have taught at Boyce about ministry, it is that you go when God calls and where God calls, no matter what your previous preferences.
On the other hand, let me say that there is joy in the call to Criswell College, because I believe that it is God’s appointed mission for this time in my life.
As Paul expressed his heart for the Philippians, in this transition, I want to express my thanksgiving to God for the people and place called Boyce College and Southern Seminary.
I will thank God for Boyce College students who have sacrificed much for the sake of the call that God has placed upon their lives. It has been well said: “A call to preach is a call to prepare.” In fact, a call to any ministry is a call to prepare. I appreciate the steadfast commitment of Boyce students in following through with this preparation. Our students have been a blessing to observe, in both the classroom and the church.
I will also thank God for Boyce College faculty and staff. It has been a joy to serve with professors who demonstrate academic excellence, spiritual devotion and doctrinal conviction. Additionally, we have been graced with a top-flight administrative staff that has managed a consistent growth rate of approximately 100 additional students every year since 1998. Many were here before I came, and I thank God that they remain after I leave. This bodes well for the future growth of Boyce College.
Last, but certainly not least, I thank God for Dr. Mohler. God has used our seminary president to lead Southern back to the faith of our fathers, which is rooted in the inspiration, authority, inerrancy, and sufficiency of Holy Scripture. No one should underestimate the eternal significance of the conservative resurgence at Southern Seminary, nor Dr. Mohler’s indispensable role in it. President Mohler also envisioned and effectuated the establishment of Boyce College. He has continually supported the work of the college to this day. For his invitation to serve here, for his friendship and trust, I am truly grateful as well.
For all of this, may God be praised. I truly “thank God upon every remembrance of you.”