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'Facing the Giants' is most inspiring film you'll see all year
October 09, 2006
By Phil Boatwright, Editor and Film Reviewer for
Ever notice when a problem appears on the horizon, it generally is followed by another, then another, usually in quick succession? The car breaks down, the dishwasher follows suit and your back goes out. Usually, such issues are petty annoyances that can be resolved by the end of the day, but add on psychological fears and doubts and suddenly those minor irritants can become Goliaths. "Facing the Giants" is an important film because it deals with this conundrum.
I was sent a screener DVD of the new film "Facing the Giants" (PG), which opened Sept. 29. Now, being a Christian critic, I am expected by some to support any movie containing a Gospel message — even one that suspiciously looks much like a "church" film, which "Facing the Giants" could legitimately be called, since the writer/producer/director/star is indeed a church pastor. But the one person you can't ask to support a film on its spiritual intentions alone is the film reviewer. He must examine a Christian-themed film like any other film. So, I am glad to be able to give a positive critique of this new limited release.
"Facing the Giants" is the story of Grant Taylor (Alex Kendrick), a coach who has never led his Shiloh Eagles to a winning season. But if six years of lackluster games have been dismal, today tops everything: his star player is transferring to another school, a group of fathers are meeting secretly to fire him as head coach, and he and his wife, Brooke (Shannen Fields), face infertility. Help arrives not in the form of a star quarterback but a visitor who urges Grant to lift his team aspirations beyond a football goal. Fueled by renewed faith, Grant gives his players a different game plan — daring them to believe in the impossible on and off the field.
Earlier this year both the Christian and secular press reported the MPAA's decision to assign the movie a PG rating, despite the fact that it contains no objectionable language, sexual situations or excessive violence. The MPAA board reportedly felt the film had too many religious references — specifically about Jesus Christ — and that non-Christian parents should be warned that their children would be subjected to Christian beliefs.
Financed on a shoestring budget, with brothers Alex and Stephen Kendrick acting as an artistic and technical two-man army, the issues of faith and fear have been addressed within a satisfying sports movie. Oh, there are the usual cinematic short-comings associated with well-meaning religious storytelling. This awkwardness is seen especially in the opening scenes, where both actors and introductory dialogue are clumsy and forced. But within minutes, something special began to happen.
First, the story kicked in. With so many other movies boasting only special effects and cartoonish concepts, it's nice to see an involving story viewers can relate to — one that provides answers to nagging spiritual questions.
Second, and most amazing, suddenly I felt the Holy Spirit's presence. It was as if He was showering spiritual knowledge and blessing upon the project, and upon this viewer. The film took on a sincere life, one that comforted while extolling biblical principles. This was something special I seldom see in theatrical releases.
In a phone conversation with the film's director/writer/star Alex Kendrick, (minister of media at Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Ga.), I discovered a sincere man who respected the medium of film and wanted to entertain as well as represent the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As I mentioned, I felt the Holy Spirit upon me as I viewed the film and asked Alex if his crew was similarly touched during production.
"Absolutely," he said. "Except for my decision to get married and to go into the ministry, I don't think I have ever prayed for anything as much as we have for this movie. I remember weekly going to our prayer tower when we were in the writing stage and my brother Stephen and I and the staff would pray over the whole process: the writing, the casting, the shooting."
Even though the story behind the movie is fictional, Kendrick is quick to point out that most of the events in the movie had happened to people in and around the church.
"It's kind of an amalgam of real events, even though they didn't all happen to one coach or one team," he said. "In our church, we've had couples that were told by their doctor that it was medically impossible for them to have children. And after we prayed with them, two or three couples ended up having biological children. Now, that hasn't been true for everyone. We have some people that are still having trouble with infertility. But we've seen God work miracles in that arena.
"We've also seen a kid kick a 50-yard field goal, like in the movie. We wanted to incorporate things we have seen God do in the lives of our church membership or people in our community. Being a movie, we had to condense many things and incorporate those miracles into one team and community."
This is one worth looking for. It's the most inspiring film you'll see all year. (BP)