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Mohler radio show nationwide
January 26, 2004
By Jeff Robinson
Southern Seminary President R. Albert Mohler Jr. (above) broadcasts from his state-of-the-art on campus studio. “The Albert Mohler Program,” formerly entitled “Truth on the Line,” will run on radio stations from coast to coast and on XM satellite radio beginning Feb. 2. Photo by Andy Rawls
Radio listeners across the United States will soon have the opportunity to hear biblical perspectives on current issues from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President R. Albert Mohler Jr.
“The Albert Mohler Program,” formerly entitled “Truth on the Line,” will run on selected stations from coast to coast beginning Feb. 2. The show went daily on Sept. 2, 2003, in Louisville and is taking the next step in confronting the culture with biblical truth.
“This is a major commitment, but it’s an incredible opportunity,” Mohler said. “From the beginning our hope was to take what we’re doing with Truth on the Line to a national audience.
“Our agenda was to confront the culture and help Christians to think through the issues of the day and, as important as that is in the city of Louisville, it’s exciting to take that mission from coast to coast.”
The individual radio stations that will carry “The Albert Mohler Program” are still being determined but will include stations in major cities on both coasts. The show will also be heard on XM (satellite) radio channel 170. Salem Communications, the nation’s leading provider of radio programming, online resources and magazines targeted to a Christian audience, will syndicate the program.
Mohler hopes the show will help listeners to analyze pressing current issues through the lens of Scripture. While opposition to the Christian worldview is certain, Mohler says he both expects and welcomes dissenting opinions from those who will interact with the show through its call-in line.
“We are not just trying to talk to ourselves,” he said. “We are trying to talk to the culture. That means we should expect opposition phone calls and that kind of response. That’s good because it isn’t healthy for Christians just to talk to ourselves any more than it’s a good idea to hide out in a cave. It’s time for Christians to come out. We’re armed with the truth. We’re standing on divine revelation. We have a wisdom that is not our own, it comes from God. We have a responsibility to let our light shine before men and we’re driven by a concern to try to help Christians both think through these issues and confront non-Christians with the Gospel.”
Mohler says both the radio show and a daily weblog he writes for are extensions of his ministry as the president of Southern Seminary.
“From the beginning, this show was identified with me as the president of the seminary and that is non-negotiable,” Mohler said. “Being president of this seminary is my main ministry and vocation in life and everything else I do really flows out of that responsibility.
“I am most effective as president for this school [Southern] when I provide the leadership in faithfulness to the opportunities that are presented to me. And so in a very real sense, I hope the seminary feels a real sense of connection to and excitement about this program.
“I think it will be a way of introducing what Southern Seminary is all about to thousands of people who do not know what we are and many of whom do not know what a seminary is.”
The program will be broadcast from a studio on the Southern Seminary campus.