Thursday, October 21, 2004  

David Sills

David Sills

Wife: Mary (25 years)

Children: Christopher (20) and Molly (17)

Pets: A turtle named Elvis that my daughter got in Ecuador

Hometown: Jackson, Miss.

An interesting fact about your family: We have lived in Costa Rica and Ecuador.

Current church: Ninth and O Baptist Church

Most influential person in your life: Tom Nettles

How you became a Christian: God used several traumatic events in my life over the course of a couple of months to show me the brevity of life and to cause me to examine a childhood “church-joining” experience. Seeing I was lost, He began drawing me to Himself and saved me in a radical 180 degree life-change. I’ve never been the same.

What books, besides the Bible, have most influenced you and why: John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, since it has shown me my pilgrimage in many ways; Elizabeth Elliot’s Through Gates of Splendor, because God use it to capture and call my heart and life to missions, to explore other cultures and to love Ecuador

Ministry passion: To teach and preach God’s Word, especially in areas where sound teaching is scarce

What do you like most about teaching: Seeing the “light bulb” come on and watching students get excited about the subject. Also knowing that I am fulfilling 2 Timothy 2:2

Favorite Southern Seminary memory: Meeting with Dr. Mohler in a campus visit when I was invited to join the faculty

Something surprising students might not know about you: My wife and I were baptized by Tom Nettles.

Most interesting classroom moment: Teaching Baptist pastors in Hindu Nepal, in a rented room of a Buddhist-owned hotel and hearing the Muslim call to prayer on the streets outside

Hobbies: Running, reading

Favorite movie: “The Mission”

Favorite TV show: M.A.S.H.

Favorite author: Thomas Watson

A word of wisdom for Towers readers: As you prepare for ministry, don’t be lulled into the lie that you are also waiting for life to begin -- as if this were not real life yet. It is here! This is life. Claim the promises, preach the truth, teach teachers! This is life.


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