Tuesday, November 08, 2005  

Bruce Ware

Position: Professor of Christian Theology; Senior Associate Dean, School of Theology

Wife: Jodi (26 years)

Children: Bethany (21), Rachel (17)

Hometown: Spokane, Wash.

An interesting fact about your family: Jodi's parents and my parents are both charter members of (different) Baptist churches they helped start in the 1950s -— her family in Portland, Ore., and mine in Spokane, Wash.

Current church: Clifton Baptist Church

Current local church ministry: Elder board chairman, regular adult Sunday School teacher

Hobbies: Jogging, playing trumpet, hiking, traveling, reading

Most interesting classroom moment: My astonishment at having to insist several times to a student after class that, yes, he did have to complete the course assignments in order to get credit for the class.

How you became a Christian: After an evening service, my grandmother talked with me further about the Gospel, and I accepted Christ as my Savior and Lord. I was 5 years old.

Most influential person in your life: My father, William Ware

Favorite Southern Seminary memory: My interview with the board of trustees

What books, besides the Bible, have most influenced you: A.W. Tozer's The Knowledge of the Holy, and John Piper's The Pleasures of God. Both present exalting portrayals of God.

Ministry philosophy: Faithfulness to God and His Word in fulfilling His calling on my life to teach

Ministry passion: That the majesty and mercy, the greatness, grandeur and grace of the triune God might be more fully known and embraced

Life Bible verse: Jeremiah 9:23-24

Favorite author: P.T. Forsyth

Favorite course that you teach: Divine Providence

Favorite vacation spot: Trout Lake, British Columbia, Canada

A word of wisdom for Towers readers: In the end the one thing that will matter is if we've been faithful to God, His Word and His calling (see 1 Corinthians 4:1-2).


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