Mark McClellan
Spouse: Cindy, wife of 28 years
Children: Joshua, 26; Jeremy, 24; Jared, 23
Grandchildren: Darien, two and a half; Riah, four months
Hometown: Amelia, Ohio
Current ministry: I am a church planter. This year I have served as pastor of a new Hispanic church plant, Jesus es el Senor (Jesus is Lord) Baptist Church, in Clarksville, Ind.
Interesting fact about your family: I came from a long line of McClellans who have served in the Army since the Revolutionary War.
Hobbies: Reading, sports and watching old Western movies
Most influential person in your life: Jerry Fine, a Christian businessman who discipled me and has prayed for me for nearly 30 years
Why did you come to Southern Seminary: Because of the commitment of the students, my friendship with Chad Brand and the leadership of President Mohler
Favorite Southern Seminary memory: Walking into my first convocation from the snow to a nearly-full chapel singing "A Mighty Fortress is Our God"
Favorite authors: John Stott, Chuck Colson and John Grisham
Favorite music group: Avalon
Surprising fact: My first job offer came just after law school from Sandra Day O'Connor in Phoenix to be a bailiff/clerk.
What books, besides the Bible, have influenced you most and why: Shadow of the Almighty by Elisabeth Elliot and Into the Glory by Jamie Buckingham. They both influenced my missionary calling to Latin America.
Ministry philosophy: The chief end of man and Christian ministry is to glorify God. The chief means is to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ and to make disciples who know and love God, and hunger for His Word and truth. The natural response to this love and truth is to evangelize the lost, proclaim God's Word and serve God as He builds His church and extends His glory throughout the earth
Ministry passion: Reaching the Hispanic community
Favorite thing about teaching: Seeing students learn the Word of God
Life Bible verse: Philippians 3:10, "That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and may share His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death."
Word of wisdom: The redeemed life is an incomparable gift of the Lord Jesus Christ and is not to be squandered in worldliness. Give all of your life for things that are eternal.