Donald Whitney
Spouse's name: Caffy
How long married: 29 years
Child's name and age: Laurelen Christiana, 12
An interesting fact about your family: Caffy and I were both told for 16 years that we would never be parents, then the Lord gave us Laurelen when I was 40. I got my first baby and bifocals in the same year!
Hometown: Osceola, Ark.
Current church: Cedar Grove Baptist Church, Shepherdsville, Ky.
Current local church ministry: Most Sundays I am preaching elsewhere, so the most consistent ministry at my local church is the giving of my tithes and offerings. I attend every Sunday and Wednesday when in town, and especially look for opportunities to encourage my pastor.
Hobbies: Restoring and using old fountain pens.
Most influential person in your life: My father, who died when I was 31. He was a godly, Christian layman. His consistent Christian example in the home, church and workplace made an indelible impression on me.
Something surprising students might not know about you: I played baseball in college. I would love to have a tractor someday.
What books, beside the Bible, have most influenced you and why: Mostly biographies, in particular those of Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Jonathan Edwards and George Mueller. Lloyd-Jones and Edwards modeled a burning blend of life and doctrine (see 1 Tim. 4:16), and Mueller's example of prayer and faith were unlike anything I had ever read.
What influenced your decision to come to Southern Seminary: The administration's offer to come here. It is an incredible privilege and honor to teach at Southern Seminary.
Ministry philosophy: Pursue and proclaim Christ — according to the Scriptures, in the power of the Spirit and to the glory of God.
Ministry passion: Preaching and teaching
What do you like most about teaching: The exhilaration of declaring the things of God to eager students and guiding them in the pursuit of the most important things in the world.
Life Bible verse: Philippians 3:10 — "That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and may share His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death."
Favorite author: Iain Murray
Favorite movie: "Chariots of Fire"
Favorite television shows: When C-Span2 goes to Book TV for 48 hours each Saturday morning
Favorite restaurant: Smokehouse Barbecue in Kansas City, Mo.
Favorite vacation spot: Ely, Minn.