Thursday, June 28, 2007  

Dave Adams

Dave Adams

Spouse's name: Becky

How long married: 34 years

Children: Jeremy, Joshua, Lindsay

Grandchildren: Hunter, Anthony, G-Asia

Hometown: Zoarville, Ohio

Current church: Highview Baptist Church

Current local church ministry: I work with 12 churches that officially partner with the SBTS International Center for Youth Ministry. This involves mentorship and discipleship program with local youth pastors, Boyce students and LEAD school youth ministry students. I also work with four centers overseas that are implementing the same model at Malaysia, Kiev, Kenya and Mexico City.

Hobbies: Sports, reading, traveling (mission work)

Most influential person in your life: Becky Adams, my life's partner. When we first met in Fort Worth she quickly became a friend, then she became my best friend. All of life's blessings and challenges are shared and born by her. I would not be the person I am today were it not for her.

Something surprising students might not know about you: I'm an old drummer from the 1960s and still play occasionally.

What books, beside the Bible, have most influenced you and why: "Ordering Your Private World" by Gordon McDonald. This book addresses the tension that exist between be "called and being driven" in service to God. Josh McDowell's "Evidence that Demands a Verdict" and Fransis Schaffer's Writings were very influencial in my early spiritual development. More recently Brand's book "Perspectives on Church Government and Rainer's "The Unchurched Next Door" have captured my attention.

What influenced your decision to come to Southern Seminary: Vision. I realized that the school took the Great Commission seriously. Integrity. I was impressed with the commitment to authenticity and genuine Christianity. Excellence. Everything about the school spoke to me of a standard of quality. Becky, my wife, had prayed and fasted with me during a time when we sensed God was moving us. Later, Hershael York and Jay Strack were strong encouragers in my life. The meeting with Mohler the first time sealed the deal in my heart.

Ministry philosophy: Matthew 28 and Ephesians 4 summarize my biblical approach. Local church evangelism and discipleship are the focus as those in leadership "develop the culturally appropriate programs through which every person hears the Gospel and has the opportunity to mature spiritually."

Ministry passion: Developing leaders in the local church that will exalt Christ by leading His church to fulfill the great commandment and Great Commission.

What do you like most about teaching: Impact. One person properly trained can impact hundreds for the kingdom.

Life Bible verse: Galatians 2:20


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