Saturday, October 23, 2004  

Stephen Wellum

Stephen Wellum

Wife: Karen (17 years)

Children: Joel (12), Justin (10), Joshua (7), Janae (5), Jessica (2)

Hometown: Burlington, Ontario, Canada

Current church: Clifton Baptist Church

Current local church ministry: Teaching and pulpit supply in area churches

Ministry passion: To proclaim Christ in all of His majesty and glory and to live for Him in all of my life

Most influential persons in your life: Parents and Francis Schaeffer

What book, besides the Bible, has influenced you and why: Escape from Reason by Francis Schaeffer. It helped me see that Christianity is not true just for a part of my life, but for all of my life and thinking.

What do you like most about teaching: Communicating the glory of the Gospel to the next generation

Hobbies: Running, reading, playing with my children

Favorite author: John Frame

Favorite preacher: Kirk Wellum (brother)

Favorite TV shows: Beverly Hillbillies and Get Smart

Favorite restaurant: Subway

Favorite Southern Seminary memory: Running with Mark Seifrid in the 2002 Papa John’s 10 Miler

An interesting fact about your family: We have had a child born in every place we have lived in our married life.

Something surprising students might not know about you: Part of my pastoral duties in South Dakota was to pregnancy-check cows.

A word of wisdom for Towers readers: Seek the Lord daily, read His Word faithfully, and think deeply about the truth of the Gospel as it relates to every area of your life.


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