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Harris brothers to speak at Boyce College Revolution conference
December 1, 2008
By Garrett E. Wishall

Brett and Alex Harris (L-R) will bring their Rebelution to Boyce College for the 2009 Revolution conference.

Alex and Brett Harris will bring their message of rebellion against rebellion and mediocrity to Boyce College as featured speakers at the Revolution conference in March 2009.

Revolution is the theme for the annual Give Me An Answer conference for high school and middle school students at Boyce, the undergraduate institution of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Dan DeWitt, associate vice president for communications at Southern, said the theme of the conference goes hand in hand with the focus of the Harris brothers' ministry.

"We are wanting to challenge students to be a part of a revolution in which teenagers consider the nature of costly discipleship and dedicate themselves to living out the Gospel in whatever environment God has placed them in," said DeWitt, who is the conference organizer. "Because of the nature of our theme this year, we felt that it was very appropriate to bring in the Harris twins. Their focal point is challenging teenagers to abandon low standards and to demonstrate the fact that God can use youth to do hard things for Him."

The Harris twins, who recently turned 20, founded in August 2005. The definition of the "rebelution" is a teenage rebellion against the low expectations of an ungodly culture, according to the Rebelution website. The Harris brothers' goal is to challenge students to rebel against the social norms of the culture and instead devote them-selves to serving God.

The twins are the authors of "Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations" (Multnomah 2008); have appeared on MSNBC, CNN and National Public Radio; and are the younger brothers of best-selling author and pastor Joshua Harris.

R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of Southern, and Russell D. Moore, senior vice president for academic administration at dean of the School of Theology at the seminary, will also be keynote speakers at the conference.

In addition to the middle and high school elective tracks, DeWitt said the conference would for the first time feature an adult and youth leaders track.

"Dave Adams, executive director of the International Center for Youth Ministry at Boyce, is going to teach one of the classes in the adult track on how to empower students to live by higher standards, how to empower teenagers to do great things for God," he said. "Marcus Williams-Gray, who goes by Flame, is going to do another seminar with parents, talking about how to make a difference in your setting in life. He is going to share his testimony of growing up in an urban setting and how he lived out the Gospel in his environment."

Other elective sessions will include understanding the post-modern culture, taught by Travis Kerns, director of the Center for Christian Worldview and Apologetics; understanding the gender-confused culture, taught by Boyce Dean Denny Burk; and understanding the Emergent Church movement, led by Barry Joslin, assistant professor of Christian theology.

For more information on the Revolution conference, visit


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