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A letter of welcome to students from Boyce College dean Jimmy Scroggins
August 15, 2005
By Jimmy Scroggins

Boyce College dean Jimmy Scroggins (right) talks with several students outside Carver Hall. Photo by David Merrifield

Jesus said: "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

Boyce College exists to train Great Commission workers for the churches of the world. We approach our task with a deep sense of urgency because we are keenly aware of the billions of people who have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We also understand that the church is in need of a new generation of passionate, committed, determined leaders who can effectively communicate the Gospel of Christ in a fast-paced, ever-changing global village. You, as the new students at Boyce College, are among those God-called leaders.

Utilizing our cutting-edge curriculum, state of the art faculty, and real-world, hands-on approach to training, Boyce College offers a special educational opportunity for you as undergraduates. Because Jesus said to love God with all of our minds, you will be taught to think biblically and theologically as you develop a distinctively Christian worldview. But Jesus also said for us to love God with all of our hearts. In order to help engage the heart in real world Christian work, you will participate in local church ministry as an important part of our training program.

The Boyce model of training is explicitly biblical and thoroughly practical. Our program is saturated with the urgency of the Great Commission. We are a proud part of the worldwide work of the Southern Baptist Convention. And we are thrilled to welcome God-called men and women who are ready and willing to be trained for high-impact Christian service at the undergraduate level.

On behalf of the Southern Seminary community, I commend you for choosing to train at our school. We are honored to have you join us as the newest members of the Boyce College family.


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