Printer-friendly Version E-mail Story offers new weblog
May 09, 2005
By Jeff Robinson
Evangelical Christians have a new Internet resource to help them think through today's critical cultural, theological and ethical issues. R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has launched a new weblog or "blog."
Mohler already writes a daily commentary on similar issues, but says the weblog provides an opportunity to respond to news as it breaks throughout each day. While his commentaries primarily deal with a single issue each day, Mohler says the blog may be updated several times per day when critical issues arise that demand analysis.
"I wanted to be able to give a quick response from a Christian worldview perspective of the issues that arise every day," Mohler said. "The commentaries have been very successful and popular, and many people have found them to be a tremendous resource for research. Yet there are more issues than I can address in those daily commentaries.
"I also want to be able to get some material out almost immediately, and so a blog provides an opportunity to jump on an issue, and to give some weblinks. I think the people who read it will find that there is a pretty constant flow of both analysis and content that will draw their interest."
The weblog is one of the fastest-growing types of media across the globe. Mohler said one of the main strengths of the blog for Christians and other conservatives is that it avoids the filter of America's elite media.
"One of the greatest aspects of this is that it provides Christians and others a way around the monopoly of the mainstream media," Mohler said.
"It is not only rapid response, but it is not blocked by the cultural elites and those who would wish to reframe the arguments in a very different way. So, I think what you are going to see is that the blog has become a major way that news is both communicated and analyzed."
Another unique aspect of the blog will be its conversational nature, Mohler said. The blog's entries will include weblinks to pertinent news stories, articles and sites that direct readers to additional information on the topic under discussion.
"The way I look at it, it's a lot like a conversation," Mohler said. "It is addressed to the church and to Christians as a way of saying, 'I think you ought to know about this. This is how I think we ought to start thinking about this, and let's look into this further.' That is why the weblinks are there. It enables me to say, 'I think you ought to go see this article and I want to tell you why.'"
Mohler's commentary and weblog, along with resources from his national radio show are available at